World Geography: Understanding a Changing World: ABC-ClioWorld History: The Modern Era is a database of historical reference materials and interactive curricular units. It includes tools for enhancing lectures, creating research lists, developing student activities and addressing different learning styles.
American history from the colonial era and American Revolution through to the nation’s rise to eminence as a global superpower, analyzing American political conflict, economic development, and changing culture and thought as they tell one continuous and continuing story of America’s history.
World History: Ancient and Medieval Eras explores ancient civilizations, dynasties, and empires and profiles city-states, countries, and regions of the ancient and medieval world, providing a dynamic learning experience that encompasses intellectual developments, wars and cooperation, religion, cultural practices, and more from prehistory through to the beginning of the Renaissance.
World Geography: Understanding a Changing World develops students’ global literacy, focusing on the geographic, political, social, economic, environmental, and cultural forces that are increasingly important in our globalized world. On any given country, students can find information about the landforms and climate; natural resources and agriculture; environment; people; traditions and etiquette; food and holidays; national dress; art and landmarks; and government, politics, and economy; as well as its history and contemporary issues the country faces.